Welcome To Our First Blog!
Hey friend! So as times are changing and evolving, so are we! Blogging has been around for some time now, and to be completely honest – the thought of beginning one is kind of nerve wrecking (as well as self-inflicted knee knocking and nail-biting) to start…lol!
I’ve been pondering on the “right” thing to write or post for the introduction of our blog and how to write it or post it and I’m like well here it goes! Be yourself…HA! So expect laughter (tons of it because it’s healing for the soul), lessons (through many experiences and suggestions) and, of course, lots and lots of love for design because the design is everything!!!
Join us as we share through event design, interior design and life styling imagery, creative input and suggestions or just plain-old checking in with a funny for the day. Life is too short…so let’s take the leap (in faith) and jump! BLESSINGS!
Come with us and “Experience the Passion” with Ambiance!